The story begins with a main character – Joseph at the famous cowboy town, Bandera, Texas. He depicts the image of a romantic and kind-hearted cowboy in the era of Wild West when the state was lawless in year 1977.
Chapter 1 – Mr Joseph
Joseph was an orphan since he was born. He was adopted raised up to adults by one of the villains from the mafia cowboy gang. As he grew up, he became one of them. He had lot of best friends named Davis, Kelvin, and Bunny whom he called them brothers. The gang was cruel, violent, they were drug dealers and abusers that favours gambling and prostitution. They killed people, burned houses down and stole things. They were totally a gang of bastards living in a lawless state, bullying people and often drinking free in the bar.
However, Joseph, although as part of the gang, did not really look like a real villain. He portrayed the image of a 'kind-hearted villain' that made him a little bit noticeable by the spectators. He did not agree on what his brother had always been doing. Inside him, there's something that he was enthusiastic of, other than being a bad guy. In fact, he was born kind-hearted and he often felt bad towards their wrongdoings. Instead, he loved to play musical instruments and singing very much, he'd got some talents in these things. He hated what his gang always did to the poor civilians. He tried to persuade his brothers, enlighten their heart with teaching of faith, but it didn't work well. He could've left the brothers, but he just can't bring himself from doing so, because his brothers were all that he'd got. They were as close as to relationships of blood-related kins. For Joseph, they were all the things that he had in this world.
He did have his ways to get rid of the merciful thoughts in this mind towards the victims after each incident. He would normally grasp some fresh air and drink some lonely beer along the walkways of jungle near the bar his gang went every day, to free his mind from these bad things that haunted him every night. One morning, he had his routine, drinking beer, enjoying a cigar which he had stolen from another scumbag, trying to forget about what his gang had done towards the late sheriff previously. The jungle was so silent that morning.
"♩~♫ ~♬ ~♭~ ♯~" Suddenly some musical notes flew softly across air, coming from the other side of the jungle.
The music flew across him, it was so soft, attractive, and messages carried by the notes were so genuine. He found some peace from the rhythms. He decided to follow the music, walked along the path and he finally found the source. 1.5 miles inside the jungle, there was a girl in country dress, singing songs, and dancing happily in her world. He came closer and leaned against the tree to watch. The girl was so pretty, so elegant and she was so into her song. He totally fell in love with her at his first sight of her.
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