
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chapter 2 - Romance (Part 1)

Chapter 2 - Romance

He wanted to approach her but he didn't have to courage to do so. He didn't want to disturb her. He then decided to leave. "Cleeracckkk!", he broke a dead branch and he was about to leave. The song stopped.

"Oh my goodness!What have I done?"

This is the first thing that came across his mind when he broke the branch. He stood still and reluctant to turn aroun

d to face her, he was too shy to do so. The girl broke the silence.

"Hi, I'm Jenny, nice to meet you", the girl said.

"Hello, I'm Joseph, nice to meet you too." he replied with a shaky voice.

Jenny came forward to him, gave him a western hug to welcome him to the house. He rejected the hug uncomfortably. He was shy.

“ have to leave now, I’m sorry” he turned around and ran quickly back to the town.

For the whole night, the images of the girl kept appearing on his mind. How she danced, how she looked like, how sweet was her voice, her songs and also how rude was he when he turned down her hug and invitation. “Arghhh!” he shouted loudly and regretted why he reacted that way.

He returned to the jungle to look for Jenny the next morning. “Jenny, I shouldn’t have acted that way last night, accept my apology please”, he did not raise his head until Jenny replied with a smile,

“It’s ok, I understand that”. She put down her twilight and looked at his eyes. “Do you like…” Both came out from their mouth at the same time. They were stunned by each other.

“You first”, Joseph said politely.

“Do you like to sing?”

“Yes and no.” Joseph did not know what he was talking about.

She smiled and began to sing softly with a phrase of lyrics. “Oh her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they’re not shining.”

“Bruno Mars’s ‘Just the way you are’, come on let’s sing”.

“..Just the way you are”. The song ends. “Hahaha!” They laughed out loud and suddenly they stopped. They looked at each other eyes. Joseph’s heart pumped real fast until he can’t catch his breath. He felt that his vessels were going to burst soon. Jenny looked at him with a nervously, she was expecting Joseph to say something.

“I…” He couldn’t say a word. He couldn’t control himself anymore.

He kissed Jenny.

Jenny didn’t reject the kiss. They started their beautiful romance on the beautiful 7 July morning.

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